
Contact within a maximum period of 5 business days from receipt of your purchase.
You must include in the subject: “Change Request”; + your Order Number The collection and new shipping costs arising from the 1st change are the responsibility of MAYDI.
If the order included free shipping, it is the customers responsibility to send us the product and we will take care of sending the change.
The cost of collection and shipping arising from a subsequent change is borne by the customer.
Keep in mind that the pieces made -to-order do not admit changes since they are made especially for each client.
To package a return please read the conditions described below under the title * Exchange; Return Conditions.


Contact within a maximum period of 5 business days from receipt of your purchase.
You must include in the subject: “Request for Return”; + Order Number Returned items (in the conditions described below) will be 100% refunded.
Please note that refund processes can take up to 5 business days, although they are generally refunded on the spot. If your piece was made to order, it will not be able to accept refunds since it was specially made.

Exchange & return conditions

All products must be in the same condition in which they were received, without having been used, and with the original packaging and labels in good condition.

We are aware that we work with very limited exchange and return times, but this is because all the pieces ensuring meticulous attention to detail in the entire process of creation of each garment, hand-made from start to finish in small quantities. Unfortunately, at the moment, we cannot accept exchanges or returns from outside Argentina.

What should I do if the product does not arrive in good condition?
All our products are thoroughly checked before being packed and shipped. However, if you should find any damage upon receipt, please contact us at indicating your order number.